"The Aftermath of a Breakup" by Jordan McCray
It’s a strange feeling, really. Your initial reaction is to cry. No, that’s not right. You wait for him to leave, you order a pizza, you...
THE PROCESS OF WEEDING OUT: "Lovers and Friends" with Ali Marks
Relationships have songs. Whether it’s a song that tells the tale of your last fucked up relationship or that album that reminds you of...
"How I’ve Ruined Every Valentine’s Day: An Abridged History" by Leah Donnella
When the apocalypse comes and hell freezes over; when Americans decide that Hallmark cards are bile; when gender norms shatter into...
"My Perfect Triangle (The First I'd Ever Seen)" by Eva Valenti
Rarely does nature show us a perfect angle Patterns can be found nestled in shells or the centers of flowers, But it's rare for a...
"The Fall" by Tara Miller
One October I anticipated for the first time falling in love after too many days of loving men after manufactured, cliché nights in...